
Sunday, 3 April 2011

Avoiding flesh and The Esperanto Project


currently, I made to enhancements in my life. 2 Weeks ago, I decided to become a vegetarian. I do not have special reasons and had no extraordinary revelation. It's more like i was sympathetic with the idea for a longer time even though there is no reasoning like sympathising with animals or stuff. I just came up that meat is not that important to me and hence I could easily relinquish.

The second thing is kind of a project I started: around 1 week ago, I entered once more into Esperanto (Not to be confused with Español). For all who are not familiar with this name a (really) short introduction: 
Esperanto is a very regular and hence logical and easy to learn language, which was made up by a single person (Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof) in 1887. The main idea(l) behind it is the reasoning that it shall function as an language used for unbiased international and intercultural exchange, making it the language of everyone learning it, not only those whose mother tongue the language is. 
I really like the language, as it has some fun traits. Of course it is in some ways very logical and regular, as it should be (even though there are also some points which are irregular and so not coming up to the initial idea) and it's fun to have really every noun ending in -o (when not in plural or accusative case), every adjective ending in -a (the same) and every verb is regular in its flexion. Also its use of words is nice. Its vocabulary is mainly taken from spanish and other roman languages, but also some english word (guess what birdo means) and german words (knabo, deriving from Knabe, an oldstyle word for boy) are in use.

I am unsure whether I sould take part in an esperanto study summer course in beginning August in Slovakia. Probably it would be very nice and funny to go to such an event, but I am somewhat scared of going alone on the long trip to unknown country with unknown people. (Maybe someone want to come along :)


  1. there's one more way to write it:

    Linux (or BSD (:) would ...

    the reversed smiley looks even weirder ^^

  2. I've met a few people who went to the Summer Course and in fact the natives are quite friendly ;)

    Your readers might also be interested to know that the Esperanto study course is now receiving 120,000 hits per month.

    That can't be bad either:)

  3. Still looking for someone to go to Slovakia with you? Right now I'm kind of interested ...
