Hello everybody,
(Hallo allerseits, こんにちは、皆様)
I welcome you all on to my blog and my very first entry. I took the resolution to publish an own blog somewhat 3 weeks ago, under the condition, that I success with the application I did around that time. And as you can see know: I got the job.
But about that later on. Before that topic I want to cover some general things first.
1. The name: I began to think about the name just 3 minutes ago, and am happy about what I just came up with. I was inspired by the name of a blog of my friend, being called "Not dark yet". This blog was my general inspiration to begin with blogging and therefore I think its an appropriate beginning. I like the name of her blog because I see something philosophical, lyrical and hopeful in the name, but of course couldn't just copy it ;). Because I'm am not as poetical as her, I copied from somewhere else, to be precise, for those who did not notice it already, its from the very first Scene of Macbeth, marking the next meeting point of the three witches. (Please forgive me for being so uncreative) But it also transports my love for literature, showing that, even though I'm not the productive type myself, I adore the master pieces of other people and envy them for their strength in words.
2. The blog itself: This blog shall be at least somewhat active, so my resolution asks at least for one post every two weeks or something like that. But I need you to know, that English is not my mother tongue (ok those of you, whose mother tongue IS English probably figured that out after 10 seconds of reading I bet), I hope my English is not too awful to read, and you know ... I really try. (Anyone who has the spirit to that can of course send me corrections per mail - you can of course send me mails on any topics you like)
In the (hopefully near) future I also intend to provide translations of at least the key entries in German (my mother tongue) and Japanese (a language in which I suck even more than in English).
3. The content: As I said before: this blog's starting point was the affirmation for my gap year in good old Japan. This and the fact that I often interact with all kinds of Japanese stuff for various reasons, this might (and will) play a big role in my blog. But I plan to embrace more than this topic, or better said, I try to handle everything I for myself are interested in. This ranges from Japan and Japanese, to languages in general and linguistics, literature and books, other leisure time stuff I like like movies, mathematics and computers and many more things which just don't come to my mind this very moment.
Now that I clarified that, I need to end here for a while, as it's not exactly "ere the set of sun" any more, but in the middle of the night (11:52 pm) ...
I hope to see you soon again...
I love the name of your blog (though the japanese letters freak me out ^^) and thanks for mentioning me ... I look forward to reading something you wrote!